Theory, Intuition and Joy
Norsk Suzukiforbund presents Caroline Fraser
Date: Saturday, 14. april 2018
Time: 19.30 – 21.30
Place: Oslo Suzuki Piano
Address: Haakon den godes vei 28, 0373 Oslo
Norsk Suzukiforbund (NSF) and Oslo Suzuki Piano are proud to present Caroline Fraser, who will give a talk titled "Theory, Intuition and Joy" to Suzuki teachers and parents.
There will be a Q&A session after the presentation.
This event is free for all Suzuki teachers and parents who are members of NSF. Tea, coffee and fruit will be served.
Through video excerpts and audience participation, this presentation will demonstrate how intermediate and advanced theory can be understood by Suzuki students, reaching intellectual awareness by following a gratifying process of self-discovery and by developing musical intuition. Rational concepts, (tonality, scales, intervals, triads, 7th chords, modulations, chromatic colouring and the basics of functional harmony, rhythm and metre) if approached in a natural, ear-based manner, can be learned with ease, leaving the students happy and wanting more!
“Teach music … in such a way that it is not a torture but a joy.”
- Zoltan Kodaly
Caroline's goals are to show how Suzuki students have all the advantages when it comes to understanding theory, as they have the language of music already in their ears. She will show how to lead the students to discover the rational concepts rather than telling them, or asking them to remember. In this way, the students "know" theory from the inside, rather than "memorize" it. Her target audience is mostly piano teachers, but parents and teachers of other instruments who are interested in a natural approach to music theory are also welcome.
Spaces are limited! Your place will be secured upon registration.
Registration closes March 23rd, 2018.
About Caroline Fraser
Caroline is an internationally recognized Suzuki clinician.
She has given courses in Canada, the United States, Taiwan, Australia, the United Kingdom, Germany and throughout Latin America: Argentina, Bolivia, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Costa Rica, Dominican Republic, Ecuador, El Salvador, Guatemala, Mexico, Paraguay and Puerto Rico.
Caroline has taught at World Conferences in Japan, Italy and Korea, and given presentations at Suzuki Association of the Americas (SAA) and European Suzuki Association (ESA) Conferences.
Caroline Fraser: B.Mus, Edinburgh University; L.R.A.M. (piano teacher), A.R.C.M. (violin teacher), Royal Academy of Music, London; M.Mus.Ed.with Kodaly Emphasis, Holy Names University, California. She is a teacher trainer with SAA, ESA and ARSO.