NSF celebrates 20 years in Norway!
The Norwegian Suzuki Association (NSF) celebrates 20 years in Norway with a Jubilee Concert at 1500hrs on October 27, 2019. The concert will be held in Lindemansalen at The Norwegian College of Music (NMH). Address: Slemdalsveien 11, 0363 Oslo
Current and former members of NSF are invited to join our Anniversary weekend celebrations 26th - 27th October 2019!
Saturday October 26:
12:00 - 16:00: Rehearsal at Majorstuen church. Lunch will be provided.
18:00: Social gathering
Sunday 27 October:
11:00 - 14:00: Rehearsal and sound-check at Lindemansalen.
The rehearsal timetable will be published in August.
Participant fees:
NSF members: kr. 100
Non-members: kr. 400
Lunch: kr. 100
You can download NSF's invitation and repertoire list here.