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Why Suzuki?

Is this for your child and family?

The Suzuki Method is about enabling children to make beautiful sounds, and in the process nurture a beautiful heart. It is about having music in their lives and being surrounded by beautiful sounds. It is about cultivating the ability to use the universal language of music to communicate freely without barriers, and how in their own ways and capacities they can create a better world. It is about giving the musician that is in all of us a free and confident voice.

Embarking on a Suzuki journey is about parents’ commitment to develop their child’s ability and noble character holistically. The parents’ presence at every lesson and every home practice session embodies this commitment to helping their child grow. Not only do their children develop a love and appreciation for music, they are also developing concentration and discipline, self-esteem and confidence, mental agility, short- and long-term memory skills, fine motor skills and coordination, sensitivity and social skills, to name a few. These abilities, once developed, augment and facilitate reading, interpretation, musicianship and creative skills.

What is the Suzuki Method?

Dr. Shinichi Suzuki said, "When love is deep, much can be accomplished."

The teaching of music through the Mother Tongue approach is the foundation of the Suzuki Method. The underlying philosophy is the belief that every child has an unlimited potential, and every child who has the desire to learn can develop high ability. This ability can be developed in all children with a loving, nurturing environment and support system in place, and is not limited only to children who display an early talent in or affinity for music. Every child’s ability can be cultivated and developed, through early exposure, encouragement, and continuous, focused hard work and unwavering support.

The Suzuki Method builds its foundation on “Ear before Eye”. All children learn to listen and speak before learning to read and write. Their early attempts at speech and understanding are consistently praised and encouraged. It is the same with music. This is where the Suzuki Triangle, which is made up of the child, the parents, and the teacher, plays a critical role in setting up the child for success in developing this ability.

It is not a prerequisite for parents to have had prior experience with playing any musical instrument or reading musical notation.

The Suzuki repertoire Book 1 foundation pieces “Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Star” encompasses this philosophy of making it possible for all children to shine. The phrase “10,000 Twinkles”, represents the average number of times a Suzuki music student will play the foundation pieces to refine his/her tone and ability over the course of an entire Suzuki programme, and indicates the depth and profound extent of what is undertaken and of what can be achieved in the musical journey of their lives.

You can read more about the Suzuki Method in Norwegian here.

Here are some YouTube videos about Suzuki Method and its philosophy:

Nurtured by Love

Stefan's Book 1 Graduation Concert

Oslo Suzukitreff

Suzuki Method in the World, Part 1

Suzuki Method in the World, Part 2

Suzuki Method in the World, Part 3


Oslo Suzuki Piano

Haakon den Godes vei 28

0373 Oslo

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